

BG16RFOP002-1.003 Phase 2 of the project "Establishing a science and technology park"

MA of OPIC 2014-2020 ANNOUNCES a direct grant procedure: BG16RFOP002-1.003 Phase 2 of the project "Establishing a science and technology park"

Directorate General "European Funds for Competitiveness" Managing Authority of Operational Programme "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020, (OPIC) invites Sofia Tech Park SA to submit project proposals under direct grant procedure: BG16RFOP002-1.003 Phase 2 of the project "Establishing a science and technology park" under Priority Axis 1 "Technological development and innovation", Investment Priority 1.1 “Technological development and innovation” of OPIC.

The general objective of the procedure is to promote the development of the national pro-innovative infrastructure by providing integrated investment and advisory support for construction of the first science and technology park in Bulgaria, with the purpose of identifying, attracting and promoting innovative ideas and projects, leading to commercialization of innovative products, processes and services and thus boosting the development of the economy towards sectors with high added value.

The grant procedure is funded with the support from the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

The indicative budget under the procedure is: BGN 12 500 000

State aid regimes:

Component 1 "Infrastructure for Research and Innovation" and Component 2 “Support and incubation of high-tech SMEs - Incubator" – the aid does not constitute state aid (letter of DG "Competition" of the European Commission in relation to measure SA36698 (2013/PN))

Component 3 “Museum / Experimentarium” – Investment aid under Chapter I and Article 53 of Regulation (EU) № 651/2014;

Component 4 "Sports grounds and facilities" - investment aid under Chapter I and Article 55 of Regulation (EU) № 651/2014;

Component 5 "Floor parking" - investment aid under Chapter I and Art. 56 of Regulation (EU) № 651/2014.

Eligible for funding under the procedure are the following activities:

1) Construction works for the construction of subproject "Pedestrian Bridge", additional works and concept development, design and construction of a a museum exhibition building „Museum / Experimentarium with a visitor center and pedestrian bridge“.

2) Supply of specialized equipment and software for laboratories, furnishing of premises, related to the functioning of the park and of the necessary computer and office equipment for the needs of the existing infrastructure.

3) Delivery of roof construction (balloons) as equipment for the sports complex.

4) Selecting an operator who will manage the whole process of selecting companies and will provide incubation services, business plan development and provision of services for the incubator.

5) Creating a model of a voucher system as a method of payment within the shared research infrastructure.

6) Building a web-based software platform for shared use of the equipment.

7) Creation of a database of scientific infrastructure in the various locations in Sofia, including information on the existing clusters in Bulgaria, as well as the scientific infrastructure created / acquired in the implementation of their projects.

8) Organizing promotional campaigns at home and abroad for presentation and increasing the popularity of the science and technology park.

9) Preparation of specific scientific analyzes for the needs of the technological park, laboratories, tenants and other interested parties.

The full package of documents (Requirements for Application, Requirements for Implementation  and their Annexes /only in Bulgarian language/) under the procedure is published on the website of the Operational programme: www.opic.bg, as well as on the Single information portal for general information about the management of Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund of the European Union in Bulgaria: www.eufunds.bg.

The submission of the project proposal under the current procedure is carried out entirely electronically by completing a web based application form and submitting the application and accompanying documents via the Unified information system for management and monitoring of the EU Structural Instruments in Bulgaria (UMIS 2020) solely using a qualified electronic signature (QES), by module „Е- application“ at the following web address: https://eumis2020.government.bg.

The procedure is with deadline for submission of project proposals: 30/09/2016