

BG16RFOP002-2.003 „Creating conditions for sustainable development and successful integration of Bulgarian enterprises on European and international markets by supporting the activities of Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA)”


MA of OPIC published amended package of documents under direct grant procedure BG16RFOP002-2.003 „Creating conditions for sustainable development and successful integration of Bulgarian enterprises on European and international markets by supporting the activities of BSMEPA”

In connection with changes in the regulatory framework, following of § 3 of the Supplementary Provisions of CMD № 162/2016 on, § 3 and § 8 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of CMD № 189/2016 on, and § 2 pt. 2 of the Supplementary Provisions of Regulation on administration of irregularities under EU Structural and Investment funds (adopted by DCM № 173 of 13.07.2016, the prom. SG. 57 on 07/22/2016), by Order №РД-16-889/12.09.2016 г. of the Head of the Managing Authority changes are made in:

Directorate General "European Funds for Competitiveness" Managing Authority of Operational Programme "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020, (OPIC) invites Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) to submit project proposal under direct grant procedure:  BG16RFOP002-2.003 „Creating conditions for sustainable development and successful integration of Bulgarian enterprises on European and international markets by supporting the activities of Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA)” under Priority Axis 2 "Entrepreneurship and capacity for growth of SMEs”, Investment Priority 2.2 “Capacity for growth of SMEs” of OPIC 2014-2020.

The general objective of the procedure is to improve the quality and quantity of services provided to Bulgarian enterprises, by providing institutional support to the BSMEPA for improving the business environment, increasing the share of export-oriented SMEs and stimulation of investments in technological and innovative industries.

The grant procedure is funded with the support from the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

The indicative budget under the procedure is:  BGN 9 779 150.

Eligible for funding under the procedure are the following activities:

1) Support for the participation of Bulgarian SMEs in promotional activities at home and abroad for the promotion of Bulgarian production.

2) Pilot development and implementation of tools for digital marketing and online commerce  for Bulgarian businesses in order to acquire skills for entering, expanding and strengthening the positions on international markets.

3) Upgrading and maintenance of a web-based platform for providing information относно foreign markets and linking Bulgarian enterprises with foreign partners for improving their export potential.

4) Access to specialized databases and specialized publications in connection with the implementation of activities supporting SMEs.  

5) Consultancy services for the preparation / development of documentation for the envisaged under the project public procurements.

6) Activities related to the organization and management of the project. 

7) Project Audit with factual findings.

8) Activities related to information and communication.

The full package of documents (Requirements for Application, Requirements for Implementation  and their Annexes /only in Bulgarian language/) under the procedure is published on the website of the Operational programme: www.opic.bg, as well as on the Single information portal for general information about the management of Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund of the European Union in Bulgaria: www.eufunds.bg.

The submission of the project proposal under the current procedure is carried out entirely electronically by completing a web based application form and submitting the application and accompanying documents via the Unified information system for management and monitoring of the EU Structural Instruments in Bulgaria (UMIS 2020) solely using a qualified electronic signature (QES), by module „Е- application“ at the following web address: https://eumis2020.government.bg.

The deadlines for submission of project proposals are as follows:

First deadline – 12/09/2016

Second deadline – 31/05/2017